Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Alex does school.

Ohhh Jesus. This has been the most cracked-out week of school EVER. Since when do I drink double cappuccinos like water?? I feel like I have been here for a month already and yesterday it was only one week since we arrived. Maybe it's because I am currently taking SEVEN classes instead of five because I am being the most indecisive freakshow ever and can't decide what classes I want to take. What it looks like it's going to be is class on Monday and Wednesday from 9am-7pm STRAIGHT with only one 20-minute break, but then only ONE class Tues and Thurs, Italian from 11-1. Crazy? Yes. Classically Alex? Obviously.

So heres the deal. We have to take 6 units of Italian language no matter what (mine is from 11-1 Mon-Thurs). Then I let the painting teacher talk me into signing up for all studio art classes for my last 3 classes (printmaking, advanced painting, and figure drawing). Later that day I realized I would rather die than do that, so I decided I’d take an art history course instead of one of the studios to break up the monotony and, because, well, I AM IN FLORENCE. Like, THE birthplace of the Renaissance. I think the art gods would shoot me dead if I were here and did NOT study some freakin' Renaissance art. But the only studio that made sense to drop was figure drawing, which was the only one on Tuesday and Thursday (printmaking is 1-4 and painting is 4-7, both on Mon and Wed). And the only art history course I wanted to take (a good mix of not-too-much work but a good solid basis of info, plus a GREAT teacher and lots of trips and site visits) was ALSO on Monday and Wednesday. From 9-10:30. AM. Yikes.

Another option was to take this super-intense seminar class on Botticelli with the same teacher, where the whole class is basically organized around producing a GIANT research paper where you do a 45-minute presentation @ the end of the semester, which meets Tuesday from 3-6, but like, if I were gonna be doing that much work I might as well have just taken the 3 studios and at least gotten credit towards my major… so basically, Sunday and Tuesday nights I am totally out of commission, but the rest of my week I am free to go out and experience Florence (aka find myself a Giovanni or perhaps a Lorenzo), since I can get most of my work done on those empty Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. I'm sure there will be a future entry about how much I hate myself for making this decision, but for now I am happy with it… and frankly, a little excited about the bipolarity of it in my own twisted little way. Or maybe I'm just delirious from lack of sleep. Who knows. WHEEEEE I’M IN ITALY!! A presto…

Oh and PS – I found a gelateria that serves authentic fiordilatte. 2 blocks away from school, no less. FRANNY’S PIZZERIA, KISS MY ASS!!!

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